You will listen or you won't, but know God always listens to you
I will not excuse the best part of me in order to talk with you, God is real.
I believe Jesus Christ is Lord, I know Jesus Christ is Lord of your life and mine, no matter if you believe right now or not, you are worth everything for God, beyond this world, you are the most priced gift and He gave you life to discover and walk with Him.
This world is a confused mess, but it’s also full of love and forgiveness that leads to prosperity beyond the material ideas we desire in our minds as we hear the word.
Words are powerful, but if you’ve been learnt them wrong or someone put them in the wrong order to you, you have a journey ahead of you to unlearn a lot in life and that’s ok, so many never starts that journey, before it hits them while growing old and losing physical and mental abilities to correct course for yourself and the ripple effect you could have made earlier in life.
That said, it’s never too late, God is always listening for you to call out to Him.
I’ve always believed, since very early in life, that your last 10 seconds breathing can make bigger ripple effects to others in life than all of the time you tried combined.
It’s all about giving it over to God and allow God to breathe through you and let others who love you, see that you are feeling loved beyond anything seen or felt before.
I am honored if someone I love would feel more loved by God, that is the goal of life, to preach the gospel of God to souls, who then will be worked upon by God, because God only requires you to speak His Word and He will do the rest of the work.
Life is supposed to be in God, to be with God and pray for wisdom to hold on in the time that is given to you, to use it to bless others around you, your spouse, your kids, your extended family, friends and especially foes who target you in life.
My mom, who passed away earlier this year, prayed for me and my five siblings everyday of her last 30+ years as converted Christian by Jesus. She was an inspiration to life itself, leaving this world with way more than anything I have accumulated or will accumulate as she knew God and God knew her.
Forgiveness is a choice and the path is beautiful from the first step you take. Forgive yourself and forgive others. Leave nothing between God and you.
I pray for you and if you want me to pray personally for you, leave a comment and I can include you by name, it doesn’t matter if you’re anonymous, what matters is that you utter the words, so God can see your heart and you distance the devil of evil from yourself.
God knows who you are, so open your heart and let me pray for you. I will honestly try to pray and include every comment made on this post.
I love you.
May God’s wisdom take away the old you and let God power you.