Pay me voluntarily and you're a prime client
Ever built up a relationship with a client where they pay you voluntarily and they figure out an amount your availability is worth to them?
I have some clients that haven't paid for a long time, I don't charge them for my time when they request something.
I am priming. I wait for the moment where they pay voluntarily, the shift in value exchange.
I am their bell person, their inner need, as every time they interact with me, I get access to be in their future that I see more prosperous further ahead. Do recognize this is a business relationship and if they abuse it, they risk losing access to me, so they have to invest and recognize my values as well.
Sometimes they are in the "can't pay" prison, but as I believe in them and their business, I help them towards success and they can't turn their backs away when they crack the money code in their targeted industry.
One voluntarily paying customer at a time gives me a 1% better life for a lifetime.
Want to grow your online business?
You must reach out, I'm not busy enough to ignore great minds like yourself, just show me that you want it bad enough and you're on my list!
Each client I take on, I keep in my mind 24/7 and I help you to see and take action on the possibilities ahead through the digital interface we all use daily.